Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Who needs the Pussycat Dolls!!! Gizmo's current sportswear routine is a mix of songs by these girls.... ENJOY!!!


Diva's Thoughts said...

Who are they? They are VERY talented and I love their music.

Pageant Mom said...

I'm glad you asked!!!

The group is called "Bond" and they are AWESOME!! They don't get pushed in the states (I think) because they weren't "made" by record companies here! I happen to love ALL their stuff - I've heard their "acoustic" LOL and they are truly talented girls.

Funny thing is, they are very well known in Europe and Japan...

Pageant Mom said...

p.s. if you let it play all the way to the end, you can select other videos by this group!! and they'll play right here :o)

Lahdeedah said...


love it

i bet you love Medeavel babes (sp) too? THey werne't pushed in the states either, but are real good.

rennratt said...

Have you checked out the Twelve Girl Band?

They are out of mainland China (I think) and are pretty incredible!

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