Saturday, November 04, 2006

The "Is it just me?" Moment of the week!!!

I work for a large International Corporation and of course beauracracy and political correctness are MANDATORY... so after much gratuitous back patting by our corporation about how DIVERSE we are...

We've had "celebrate black history week", we've had "international week", we've had "hispanic week", etc etc etc AD NAUSEUM... We've celebrated the working woman, we've talked about how much we support minority businesses and how our workforce will be made up of mostly WOMEN and MINORITIES in a few years....


I've noticed at the bottom of each much publicized and promoted article on our Intranet....

Are the promanently placed pictures of the NINE MIDDLE AGED WHITE MEN that run the company.


dennis said...

Does it not feel good to be working for a company where the 'Man' (ok 9 white men) are so liberal and supportive of important social issues? On their being white, I'll just bet one or two have really, really nice tans...?

Pageant Mom said...

Yes, it does! That's why I've been there so long... LOL 17 years to be exact! It just strikes me as funny that they make such a big deal about diversity, yet it is not reflected in the upper ranks of our management (I'm sure we'll get there!!)

MommasWorld said...

At least they are trying. While talking with my children and their culture varied friends, I have only seen white people in our company. I was taken aback. I work in a "man's world" inturn there are very few women. Aside from myself there seems to be only one other professional woman. The other women are Executive Assistants, Administrative Assistances or clerks. There is absolutly nothing wrong with these positions. I think it would be great to see more in higher positions.

Well, you made me think about.

MommasWorld said...

I don't know if you will read this in time but I do not know your email address.

You are in pageants so you might have heard of Sammy's Spirit. The family will be on Inside Edition which starts in a few minutes here. They are trying to get the message out about upgrading the Child Safety regulations.

Bad parent example #6,922

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