Sunday, December 31, 2006

Dear ol' Dad

A couple of years ago at the sprite age of 76, my Dad decided to take the Mensa Test.

And passed fabulously.

All my life he's lorded over me how much smarter he is than I am, and now he has a piece of paper to prove it.

He just called to bug me once again about taking it. And recently attending all his parties (at the various clubs he belongs including Mensa) has probably brought this about because he must be running out of stuff to brag about. So the bugging is getting more intense.

If I take it and pass - he'll be like "so what"

If I don't....

Rock. Hard place.

Should I or should I not? That is the question. (help!)


dennis said...

Ummmm, my dad is much like yours.

If you take it and pass, he might be 'so what' with you, but he will brag on you to about everybody else he knows.

I know this because my younger sib was tested at genius level in 8th grade. Have not heard the last of it since...

utenzi said...

Take the test. It's quite easy. I passed it when I was in 9th grade but had no interest in the activities so I never joined.

Happy New Year and may you surpass your Dad on the test. That'd show him!

Biff Spiffy said...

Take it take it take it! Ditto dennis, and if you don't take it you're letting the terrorists win. And we can't have that.

Happy new year - it's been a pleasure getting to know you, best wishes for everything in 07!

Lahdeedah said...

Take it. If you fail, don't tell him you took it. Tell him your genius can't be measured by a test, it's far too profound to be measured.

then tell him it's statistically proven that tests like that favor men, so he already had an advantage, and then go on a very long rant about inequality in education and testing.

Keep at it until he equates 'hey I am a genius' with a relentless rant on your part about 'what is wrong with education and tests in america'

Maybe he'll never bring it up again :0

HOWEVER if you pass it, muahahahaaaa then be like 'yeah so, that's what they equate being a genius with?' and the two of you can commence with the 'what is wrong with american education' rant, only together. It'll bring you closer.

MommasWorld said...

Go ahead and take the test. No one says you have to tell him you are taking the test or give your results right away if ever. If you do tell him, I would wait for the right moment.

Most Dad's want to feel they are Superman in their daughter's matter if the daughter is 4 or 40. Just a thought.

Creative-Type Dad said...

I saw take it. And if you don't pass arm wrestle him. You can take him.

Biff Spiffy said...

Where have you been??? Holidays are OVER, take the bloomin' test and come back!

Bad parent example #6,922

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