Friday, March 16, 2007

Everything in my closet must DIE!!!!

If it doesn't make me feel :

a) fabulous
b) 10 years younger
c) sexy (um can't wear it to work for this category LOL)

It's going OUT.

I'm finally going to do it. I'm going to clean out my closet. In the most radical way.

If it's weary? GONE.
If it screams IMAMOM!!! GONE!!!
If it doesn't make me look 10 lbs lighter. So out of here...
Dowdy? NO WAY
Haven't worn it in 3 years. Is it even a question???

Serious pruning is soooo in order.

This goes for hair accessories, scarfs, purses, jewelry, shoes, underwear... EVERYTHING!!!

I expect in a few weeks to have pared my closet down at least 50%.

I know it sounds extreme, but I'm in an extreme mood. So far, I've gotten rid of one bag to Goodwill. Now I have to make consignment shop appointments. Ebay is an option.

So far I have completed the exercise on hair accessories, and jewelry.

I'm going to feel soooooo much better. Happy Birthday to me!!!!

I asked my husband to take me out tomorrow for my birthday. He wanted to know what I wanted to do....

I told him I wanted to get drunk and go dancing. I'm not exactly sure if he's too thrilled about the idea, but I really don't care ;o) I don't want any "stuff" for my birthday, I just want to get dressed up and paint the town a pretty shade of red.
(although I think he's afraid I'll ruin his reputation...)


Is there competent help anywhere for me??? Anyone???


Creative-Type Dad said...

First of all - Happy Birthday!

Second, I'm the worse person for party tips. I fell asleep on my Birthday last year at 7:30

rennratt said...

Mmm. I prefer boring birthdays. I generally work on my birthday, and pretend that it's just another day.

I think that drinking and dancing is a fine celebration. Why not go out of town for the night and stay at a hotel? That way, you can take taxis everywhere - and your husband can maintain his rep.

dennis said...

Happy Birthday!

I am not certain it is a good idea to be soliciting drunken party tips from strange men in your particular mood!

Hope hubs came through for you LOL

tiff said...


It will make you very very happy, and you will NOT miss that which you're discarded. I promise!

I'm talking about the closet thing, BTW.

Anonymous said...

Yes, happy birthday! Just don't get rid of ALL your clothes. You'll need something to wear out dancing!

Myself? I love drinking and dancing. Especially if there's not much dancing. Or no dancing at all. Unless I can dance in my chair, thus allowing me to continue drinking.

Lahdeedah said...

Happy B-Day

YES to the closet cleaving.

I did that before I moved, and realized I wasn't harsh enough.

I mean, I know I LOVE that ripped and torn and half shredded concert t-shirt from 1995, but SERIOUSLY.

And, an empty and pruned closet is really just an invitation for more clothes.

Anonymous said...

Once a party girl, always a party girl!

Bad parent example #6,922

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