Thursday, March 08, 2007

I am a Fire Horse!!

According to the Chinese Horoscope, I am a "Fire Horse"

Through all the moons of many a year, the Fire Horse is a dynamic creature, with a vigor that promises youth and freshness until the very end of life. The will and the spirit of the Fire Horse cannot be broken. This Horse goes through life with philosophical patience and the ability to bounce back from adversity no matter how dire the circumstances. In times of solitude, Fire Horses also have an insatiable need for intellectual stimulation and they satisfy their curiosity for learning through reading, listening, conversing, and travel abroad. Fire Horses make inspiring leaders, revered and respected. They encourage their subordinates with kindness and just the right degree of strictness and work well with people in all stations of life. Financial rewards fall in the middle ground, not too bad, not terrific, but always comfortable. Being in love with the Fire Horse brings pure rapture. These noble Horses are generous with their love, with hugs and kisses. Loved ones always know where they stand because Fire Horses demonstrate every day through their actions the love they feel deep within. Each day is a soft and tender love poem.

The Fire Horse is also known as the most troublesome of the zodiacs.

The self-centred and temperamental horse has a natural aversion to the discipline and restraint of a regimented lifestyle. Unfortunately that is exactly what big brother society asks of its members. It takes plenty of time for the average horse to mature and realise that the inconsistent bucking bronco approach is often a waste of time and energy. In between time it throws plenty of people offside...even Mike Tyson would admit to that.

From childhood on the Horse is a humorous prankster and loves playing tricks and being the centre of attention. It is also a universal dream symbol of raw sensual desire (i.e. Raquel Welch, Patrick Swayze, Sean Connery) and prefers to be around the action. They usually leave home early. Forever youthful and carefree at heart, time is no barrier to these animals who can work and play hard around the clock. They are at their best where indomitable leadership is required, as shown by Nelson Mandela.

Of all the equine stock the notorious Fire Horse is renowned as the most troublesome. Russian Premier Nikita Khrushev was one who almost set the world aglow during the early 60's Cuban missile crisis. Reportedly the birth rate dropped and voluntary abortion grew in 1966, the last year of the Fire Horse.

Sheep, Tigers and Dogs make the best partners but the Rooster, Monkey and Ox are off limits.

That 'splains a LOT.

I think it would make a cool header to find an awesome graphic representing my "spirit" at the top of my blog; but I don't know how!!!

Can anybody help??


Dave Leigh said...

I, OTOH, am a Water Tiger.

It says, "they tend to be suspicious and a bit self-centered, OK selfish, and indecisive". Now, that's just not true! It's obviously part of a plot of my enemies' to discredit Tigers. Or not. Well... maybe. I'll tell you later.

I also like the list of famous Water Tigers. Beethoven and me... yeah, I can see that. And I'm sure that Queen Elizabeth is thrilled to be in the same league as me. (She'd just better not expect me to start returning her calls.)

dennis said...

Earth Monkey here... :)

Dragon said...

I'm also an Earth Monkey. I knew I belonged in the Monkey Barn!

rennratt said...

I am a metal pig. According to this site, I am an altruist and a friend for life!

Biff Spiffy said...

Dave, just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you.

I'm sorry, but as a rooster I'm off limits for you. Wish I could help, as we roosters are highly organized, but sorry. Maybe next time, when you change your sign.

Funny how these things I absolutely don't believe in can have an uncanny ring of accuracy.

Bad parent example #6,922

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