Monday, February 26, 2007

I figured out my crazy behavior

I know what the problem is.

I am going through my annual mid year, mid life, crisis. About one month before my birthday, every year, I go through this feeling of having to "break out" and do something to re-calibrate, feel more alive, not feel so "imamomsoimustbeboringanddowdy"...

Some years I get through it ok. Some I do not. It usually passes after the actual day (March17) and I can then go back to being "normal" (whatever that is.)

Wish me luck. Let the countdown to normal begin.

I'll be 41. SIGH.

(You can tell me I still look young and beautiful, I can take it.)


MommasWorld said...

At least you know what causes yours. My crazy moods come and go like the tide ha,ha,ha.

dennis said...


You still look yung and b-utiful!

Creative-Type Dad said...

I look forward to getting older. When I do something crazy, I can blame it on age.

Creative-Type Dad said...

I look forward to getting older. When I do something crazy, I can blame it on my age.

Anonymous said...

Okay. "You still look young and beautiful, I can take it." There. How's that?

41? Ouch. I thought 39 was bad way back in December. Although, I'm not having any more b-days, anyway. That way, if anyone asks, I can say, "Well, on my last birthday, I was 39."

Biff Spiffy said...

Well as far as I know, you look fabulous. It's not everybody who can wear periwinkle polka dots. I sure as Henry can't.

I've had a few of these 'must.feel.more.alive.' moments.

In fact, I'm in the midst of one now, and it's not even my birthday.

Somebody recently celebrated like this: I'm 18, with 23 years' experience.

Bad parent example #6,922

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